Close Encounters of the Whale Kind

Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Davis and SETI researchers had a conversation with a humpback whale to learn how it might help us communicate with aliens.

Hey Siri, Why Do I Speak Differently to You?

Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Davis researchers have found that we speak differently when talking to voice artificial intelligence such as Siri or Alexa devices.

Connecting Health Care to People and Pets

At Knight’s Landing One Health Center, we meet veterinarians, physicians and students working to help some of the most vulnerable and underserved animals and people in a rural county.

Hope For a Spina Bifida Cure, Part 2

Both humans and dogs are susceptible to spina bifida, a spinal birth defect that can lead to paralysis. In Part 2, we examine the first human clinical trial using stem cells and surgery to treat the condition.

Hope For a Spina Bifida Cure, Part 1

Dogs and humans are susceptible to spina bifida, a birth defect that can lead to paralysis. In Part 1, we examine the first clinical trial using stem cells and surgery to treat bulldogs.

Cockroaches for Dessert

Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Davis boasts one of the largest insect collections in North America, so how could we not take you on a tour? The Bohart Museum of Entomology holds more than 7 million specimens.

The Poet's Voice

Researchers have discovered a way to empirically analyze the complexities of poetry read out loud. We look at their newest project which analyzes the voices of 101 African American women poets.

The Science of Superheroes

This episode of Unfold mixes comic book superhero action and science! We learn about the real-world applications of material science based on superhero powers.

Murder, Suicide and the Macabre

In this Halloween episode, we discuss a true, disturbing and dark trend of child murder in the 1700s in Germany. Not suitable for all audiences.

*Was* She a Badass?

The archaeological discovery of a 9,000-year-old female big-game hunter may upend the belief that only men hunted and women gathered.

Why Is That Song Stuck in My Head?

Öí°Ë½ä×ÊÁÏÂÛ̳°ÄÃÅ Davis researchers have found that those songs that get stuck in your head may play an important role in helping us form memories.

Transitioning to Low-Carbon Transportation

In California, 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions comes from transportation. Emissions from this sector will make it difficult to meet the state’s 2030 climate goals.

Transitioning to Low-Carbon Transportation

In California, 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. Emissions from this sector will make it difficult to meet the state’s 2030 climate goals.

Decarbonizing Energy

A quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions comes from heating and electricity. In this episode, we discuss renewable energy and the importance of life-cycle analysis when discussing climate change solutions.