Environment Content / Environment Content for 猪八戒资料论坛澳门 Davis en A Drying Salton Sea Pollutes Neighboring Communities /climate/news/drying-salton-sea-pollutes-neighboring-communities Dust particles from the Salton Sea鈥檚 exposed lakebed increased air pollution in local communities, found a 猪八戒资料论坛澳门 Davis study. The pollution coincides with reduced flows into the lake. May 29, 2024 - 12:00pm Emily C. Dooley /climate/news/drying-salton-sea-pollutes-neighboring-communities Diversity Blooms Within The Queer Flower Bed /climate/news/diversity-blooms-within-queer-flower-garden <p dir="ltr"><span>Lavender reaches toward the sky. Carnations and pansies wave slightly in the breeze. Roses swell with the sun.</span></p><p dir="ltr"><span>Diversity blooms within The Queer Bed, a floral testament to beauty, love, and empowerment within the queer community.&nbsp;</span></p> May 28, 2024 - 3:48pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/diversity-blooms-within-queer-flower-garden Among the Academies: Fully Charged Trips Ahead /news/fully-charged-trips-ahead <p>Some envision flying cars, but for Dan Sperling, the future is electric.</p><p>鈥淚 think there's a global acceptance that electric vehicles are the future,鈥 Sperling said. 鈥淚t's really just a question of exactly how and how fast.鈥</p><p>For the United States, the conversion is growing, but mainly in California, where the state is an outlier.</p><p>鈥淚n China now, over a third of new car sales are electric vehicles. In Europe, it's about a quarter,鈥 Sperling said. 鈥淚n the United States, it's less than 10%.鈥</p> May 28, 2024 - 1:00pm Jose Antonio Vadi /news/fully-charged-trips-ahead Smoke Covered 70% of California During Biggest Wildfire Years /climate/news/smoke-covered-70-california-during-biggest-wildfire-years As much as 70% of California was covered by wildfire smoke during parts of 2020 and 2021, according to a 猪八戒资料论坛澳门 Davis study. May 22, 2024 - 9:32am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/smoke-covered-70-california-during-biggest-wildfire-years Alaska鈥檚 Rusting Waters: Pristine Rivers and Streams Turning Orange /climate/news/alaskas-rusting-waters-pristine-rivers-and-streams-turning-orange Thawing permafrost in Alaska could be exposing minerals to weathering, which is staining rivers orange. 猪八戒资料论坛澳门 Davis and partners are investigating. May 20, 2024 - 11:54am Emily C. Dooley /climate/news/alaskas-rusting-waters-pristine-rivers-and-streams-turning-orange Fighting Climate Change with Bee-utiful Pollinator Gardens /climate/news/fighting-climate-change-bee-utiful-pollinator-gardens <p dir="ltr"><span>From daisies and lavender to sunflowers and orange blossoms, flower gardens not only result in beautiful table centerpieces, bragging rights and a joyful hobby. They can also be hugely beneficial to local pollinators and, by close extension, food security and biodiversity.</span></p> May 09, 2024 - 1:44pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/fighting-climate-change-bee-utiful-pollinator-gardens Creative Writing a Gateway to Creative Climate Solutions /climate/news/creative-writing-gateway-creative-climate-solutions Creative storytelling and art can help the world process the changing climate. Collaborations between artists and scientists can give rise to new, innovative solutions. May 06, 2024 - 12:27pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/creative-writing-gateway-creative-climate-solutions A Winemaking Byproduct Can Reduce Dairy Cattle Emissions /climate/news/grape-seeds-stems-and-skins-feed-can-reduce-dairy-cattle-emissions 猪八戒资料论坛澳门 Davis researchers are feeding grape pomace, a byproduct of winemaking, to dairy cattle to reduce methane emissions. April 29, 2024 - 3:11pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/grape-seeds-stems-and-skins-feed-can-reduce-dairy-cattle-emissions U.S. Reservoirs Hold Billions of Pounds of Fish /climate/news/us-reservoirs-hold-billions-pounds-fish U.S. reservoirs hold more than 7 billion pounds of fish, a 猪八戒资料论坛澳门 Davis study estimates. Properly managed, these existing reservoir ecosystems could help food security and conservation. April 29, 2024 - 8:57am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/us-reservoirs-hold-billions-pounds-fish Climate Poetry in Wooly Motion /climate/news/climate-poetry-wooly-motion <p><span><span>In what organizers call 鈥渁 creative process akin to poetry magnets, but with a wooly twist,鈥 the <a href="https://www.sheepmowers.org/">猪八戒资料论坛澳门 Davis Sheepmowers</a> team is joining forces with the <a href="https://bigshift.ucdavis.edu/">Big Shift</a> campus construction project to create 鈥淪heep Shift Climate Poetry鈥 on April 24 to 26. &nbsp;</span></span></p> <p><span><span>Campus and community members are invited to <a href="https://www.menti.com/alex9zi2b7aq">submit climate-change inspired words</a> today through April 21. </span></span></p> April 16, 2024 - 12:40pm Katherine E Kerlin /climate/news/climate-poetry-wooly-motion